Mid-quarter feedback (Apr 22, 2024)

Dear Faculty,

While Spring Quarter has just begun, I recommend you take a moment to consider asking for mid-quarter feedback from your students. Quality feedback can lead to adjustments that enhance the learning experience, and students consistently express appreciation for instructors who ask for and respond to feedback.

Visit our website or the Mid-quarter Survey page in your Canvas course shell to learn more about how we can help.


Grace Lyo
Assistant Dean and Director
Teaching and Learning Hub

What's New

  • Leading Effective Discussions. Leading class discussions takes agility to balance course content with inviting diverse perspectives from students. This resource offers frameworks, examples, and tips from the GSB community for leading effective and inclusive discussions, and includes a series of practical “Discussion Moves” to help you get started in facilitating deeper and more effective discussions.
  • Submit an assignment on your student’s behalf. Instructors and Course Admins (FAs) are now able to submit an assignment for a student in Canvas.
Shared Spring 2024