Mid-quarter feedback (Apr 22, 2024)

While Spring Quarter has just begun, I recommend you take a moment to consider asking for mid-quarter feedback from your students. Quality feedback can lead to adjustments that enhance the learning experience, and students consistently express appreciation for instructors who ask for and respond to feedback.

Spring AI resources (Mar 20, 2024)

Spring Quarter is approaching, so I wanted to remind you of the AI resources we have available on our website. Additionally, we will be hosting a student panel event on April 2: Exploring AI in the GSB Classroom. It will be a great opportunity to hear from students on their impressions and experiences with AI in the classroom.

Mid-quarter feedback (Jan 22, 2024)

While it might feel like courses have only just begun, we’re quickly approaching the mid-quarter mark. At this time in the quarter, we recommend you ask students for feedback as it can lead to adjustments that improve the student learning experience. Students consistently express appreciation for instructors who ask for and respond to feedback.