April 2, 2024: Exploring AI in the GSB Classroom — Student Voices

In this virtual panel discussion with GSB students, you’ll hear students discuss their experiences around artificial intelligence in the classroom. Students will share how they have used AI tools productively in the classroom, the guidelines and support they have found useful when learning to use AI, and their experiences with balancing AI tool use and deep thinking. Time for open discussion between faculty and the student panel to discuss helpful future steps will follow.

December 13, 2023: Exploring AI in the GSB Classroom — Faculty Voices

In this virtual event, you will hear lightning talks from fellow GSB faculty who have begun to explore using AI in their course assignments and activities. Topics will include how faculty incorporated AI tools, what expectations they communicated, and what they observed about students’ use of AI tools. After the short talks, attendees will be invited to engage with each other to consider ways to incorporate AI tools into their courses.

May 24, 2023: Classroom Experiences of Inclusion, Belonging, and Equitable Participation – GSB Student Voices

In this hybrid panel discussion with GSB students, you’ll hear students discuss their experiences around diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging in the classroom. Students will share examples of diverse identity and cultural representation in course content, class interactions that balance and consider all student perspectives, and their experiences engaging in conversations with diverse opinions. Join us online or in person.

April 13, 2022: Cultivating Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the GSB Classroom – Faculty Showcase

In this virtual faculty showcase, GSB Amplifier Award nominees and recipients Kate Casey, Szu-chi Huang, and Jann Spiess will share strategies they have used to foster equitable and inclusive classroom environments. You’ll hear about how they included diverse student perspectives, incorporated examples in their teaching that feature underrepresented minorities, and overcame challenges involving sensitive moments in their courses.

March 17, 2021: Deep Dive – Polling in the Classroom

Polling is an easy and convenient way to build student engagement and encourage discussions in the classroom, whether your class is in Zoom or on campus. Teaching and Learning Hub and Technical Resource Group staff will cover polling tools, including Zoom polls and Poll Everywhere. We’ll also share tips and tricks for making the most of polling.

August 26, 2020: Leading Effective Discussions Workshop

In our Leading Effective Discussions Workshop, you’ll hear a variety of faculty perspectives on how to create a class climate that fosters successful and inclusive discussions. We’ll provide frameworks for meeting facilitation goals and discuss ways to apply them to virtual and hybrid class settings this autumn. This session will be facilitated by TLHub staff and is a collaborative effort with GSB faculty, Kate Casey, Jim Ellis and Rob Siegel.

August 11, 2020: Student Panel

In this panel webinar, GSB students share their spring quarter online learning experience. They discuss what worked really well and their tips to make online learning even more successful.