Stanford Graduate School of Business
Teaching and Learning Hub

We are a unique cross-functional organization at the Stanford Graduate School of Business with the mission of empowering faculty and students to co-create transformative learning experiences.

Welcome to the Teaching and Learning Hub

With a diverse and experienced team of professionals from various fields, the Teaching and Learning Hub provides a broad range of support and services at the GSB. We aim to help support and enhance the high quality of teaching and learning at the GSB through an effective and evidence-based implementation of course design, delivery, coaching, instructional technology, and classroom learning materials.

Resources for Teaching

Wondering about how to account for new and developing AI tools in your course? This resource provides top tips and answers to FAQs that cover crafting AI-use course policies, using AI tools in the classroom, and strategies for assignment design.
How are the leaders of tomorrow adapting to the AI revolution? GSB students are at the forefront, pioneering AI’s application in their studies and future careers.
This resource offers frameworks, examples, and tips from the GSB community for leading effective and inclusive discussions. Also find a series of practical "Discussion Moves" to help you get started in facilitating deeper and more effective discussions.
GSB students appreciate opportunities to interact and build community and relationships with each other and faculty outside of class time. Building community can help cultivate a sense of belonging for students and increase their confidence in the classroom. Below are ideas to help create these opportunities within the structure of a course. Read on to see which suggestions might work well in your classroom or spark new ideas you’d like to try.
This guide is intended to help you prepare for potentially sensitive topics and offer some tips and strategies for facilitating discussions on sensitive topics in the moment.
Mid-quarter surveys are a highly flexible tool for gathering feedback from your students about what is and isn’t working in your course in real time. In this resource, we provide steps for collecting feedback, including modifiable templates that you can easily add to your course. We also offer tips and suggestions to address challenges that may arise and make the most of mid-quarter feedback.

From your colleague:

Matt Abrahams on welcoming students into the classroom

Find additional strategies for getting started in the TLHub’s video collection of faculty tips focused on teaching with presence and connection.